Our Services

Heat and/or cold may be used to decrease edema and pain.
Heat therapy works by improving circulation and blood flow to a particular area due to increased temperature. Increasing the temperature of the afflicted area even slightly can soothe discomfort and increase muscle flexibility. Heat therapy can relax and soothe muscles and heal damaged tissue.
Cold therapy is also known as cryotherapy. It works by reducing blood flow to a particular area, which can significantly reduce inflammation and swelling that causes pain, especially around a joint or a tendon. It can temporarily reduce nerve activity, which can also relieve pain.

Massage has many benefits to the patient. The mechanical effect of massage to the soft tissues may help relieve tense muscles through relaxation, decreased pain and increased ability to move. This helps with circulation as well as lymph drainage. The body, mind and emotions all interact with the nervous system. It is possible that touching the skin can improve the overall well being of an animal. When massage is used in conjunction with other Rehab techniques it helps the patient to be more comfortable. Specific massage techniques can also be used as well as trigger points located all over the patient’s body.

In the UWTM there is total control over how much support we give the animal, which is determined by how much water is in the treadmill.
The speed of the treadmill is adjusted to achieve the correct gait pattern and is ideal for re-educating the movement of the limbs after injury or surgery and is particularly useful for making the transition from water to dry land gradually by increasing the load on the affected limb.
Treatment can be more specific and targeted than in the pool and each session will be adjusted according to the patients’ needs.
We also take into account the owners feedback from the previous session, so for example if the patient was slightly stiff following a session in the treadmill, we would either increase the depth of the water, to make the patient more buoyant, or reduce the times in the treadmill, or possibly a combination of both, depending on the injury or condition

Conditions that benefit from hydrotherapy:
Soft tissue injuries
Conditions relating to age (developmental conditions in the young anddegenerative conditions in the older animal)
Degenerative and medical conditions
These conditions include:
Cruciate ligament rupture – postoperative or conservative management
Hip dysplasia
Elbow dysplasia
Luxating patella
Degenerative myelopathy (CDRM)
Spinal injuries, including IV disc rupture and fractures
Age related mobility
Obesity control
Swimming and underwater treadmill are both commonly used modalities for canine physiotherapy patients. While they share some similarities, there are also some key differences between the two.
Swimming involves having the dog swim in a pool or other body of water, while underwater treadmill therapy involves having the dog walk or run on an underwater treadmill.
One of the primary differences between the two modalities is the level of resistance provided. Swimming offers low resistance, while the underwater treadmill provides higher resistance. This means that the underwater treadmill can be used to help build strength and endurance more effectively than swimming.
Another difference is the level of control the therapist has over the dog’s movement. In swimming, the therapist has less control over the dog’s movements and body position, while in the underwater treadmill, the therapist can adjust the speed, incline, and water level to control the dog’s movement more precisely.
Finally, the underwater treadmill is often a more convenient option for dogs who have difficulty getting into and out of a pool, or who have mobility issues that make swimming difficult. The treadmill also allows for controlled exercise in a smaller space.
In summary, both swimming and underwater treadmill therapy can be effective modalities for canine physiotherapy patients, but the choice between the two depends on the individual dog’s needs and abilities.

Electrical stimulation is used to cause muscle contractions. It is a modality used to build muscle passively. TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) is another technique used for pain management.
TENS works by stimulating faster sensory nerves with an electrical impulse, causing an overload of interneurons, which limits the ability of sensory nerves to transmit pain signals to the brain, creating analgesia for the patient. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) stimulates the nerves that cause the muscles to contract, and thus, used to contract muscles.
Indications for NMES:
1.) Prevent or treat muscle atrophy
2.) Increase local blood circulation
3.) Increase joint mobility

Ultrasound is used as a deep tissue heating agent. It has a penetrative depth of 5cm, which makes it a very useful tool in rehabilitation.
The indications for Ultrasound are:
1.) Soft tissue shortening (contracture or scarring)
2.) Sub acute or Chronic Inflammation
3.) Pain (muscle guarding and trigger points)

Photizo is a fantastic machine that works by activating cellular metabolism, which hereby increases the rate of healing.
It uses LED light that energizes cells and increases blood flow to the area being treated.
With increases blood flow comes increased ability to heal. It is a very soothing treatment for the animals and often used in combination with massage.

Therapeutic Exercise is one of the most valuable forms of Rehabilitation.
These are specific exercises that help to improve active pain free range of motion or movement, increase muscle mass and muscle strength, and improve balance, performance and daily function.
Therapeutic exercise includes a range of techniques used within the term. Proprioceptive training, Active and Passive Range of motion, Weight shifting, stretching, Stair climbing, standing exercises, Controlled leash activity, dancing, pulling or carrying weight, cavaletti rails, and many many more! This is the part of treatment we try to make the most fun for the patient!
This is where they build their strength and proprioception.

Rehabilitation is very dynamic field and new techniques are being discovered all the time. One such technique is Kinesio taping. I have found this to be a very useful tool in Rehabilitation. Kinesio tape can be used for:
1. Muscle injuries
2. Biomechanical dysfunction and
3. Postural dysfunction

Laser therapy is a non-invasive photobiomodulation therapy.
We use a special light that penetrates the skin and tissue that helps open up blood flow to the area. Laser Therapy is used for the relief of pain, to accelerate healing and decrease inflammation.
When the light source is placed against the skin, the photons penetrate several centimeters and get absorbed by the mitochondria, the energy producing part of a cell. This helps to accelerate the body’s natural healing process.

Designed to continue a patient’s recovery progress outside of the Ramsay Rehab Centre, a home exercise programme encourages owners to be involved with their pets continued return to function and Quality of Life!
Our Animals can increase their chances for recovery by regularly performing these exercises and strengthening musculature.
Our home programmes are specifically designed for each patients needs. You will receive a home exercise programme for your Animal when you purchase any of our Ramsay Rehab packages.

Veterinary Acupuncture is a complementary therapy, derived from Chinese medicine.
That involves inserting thin needles into specific points on an animal's body to stimulate the nerves, muscles and connective tissue. It's often used in conjunction with conventional veterinary medicine to treat conditions like musculoskeletal issues, neurological disorders and even some internal medicine problems.